Monday, June 15, 2009

Adventures in my Undies

The beginning of June brings new color and life, simply because it is the start of my summer. With no classes to worry about (excluding my summer class), no housing/bullshit fees, high school friends, and all of orange county my summer is looking pretty bright. Unfortunately, the last few days at UCLA were rather unpleasant. Last week was finals week, and luckily for me I finished last Tuesday with much time to spare. I planned to stay the whole week to kick it with some friends and fraternity brothers before they leave back to the Bay. It was a great feeling to wake up, not worrying about any finals or any research papers. Since I had all the time in the world, I decided to go to my first Undie Run. I wasn't able to go the past quarters thanks to finals, but I was extremely excited to do my first undie run.

The undie run was fun as balls, running down the streets and yelling "BAWWWWSSS" with jeremy. Its amazing to the number of people that do this thing. Especially, the "creative and unique" underwear some people wear. Within 10 mins of being there I lose sight of all brothers and on the account of my inebriation there was no way finding them. I made it back to the house eventually for some further drinking. It was such a merry night that I just wanted to keep on partying. Unfortunately this was the beginning of a horrid night.

While playing some pong, I noticed two guys getting into it. Like usual, I step in and just break it all up. I have a good time when I can clearly see everyone is having the time of there lives. Fights and scraps kill my buzz and dealing with them fucking suck balls. I finish my game of pong (unfortunately it was a loss) and hang out in my friends room. About 30 minutes later I step outside and see about 100 people in front of house. As big as our school is, I could tell that more than half of these kids were not students. I guess people get the wrong impression of our house and think they can just walk in and start tearing our house up. Kicking them out was the toughest part, but it was the smartest thing to do. In the process, another fight breaks out, and by all means I run past everyone staring with there mouths open and pull guys apart. Unforutnately, this time it was way out of my control. I wish pushing guys back and getting punched at simulatenously. Just because your drunk and think you can take on the world doesn't mean you actually do take on the world. I have no clue how, but the brawl made it to the street, and from anyone's point of view the whole thing looked like a giant riot.

There were people trying to persuade me to stop trying to stop the fight for my safety, but i persisted and just tried stopping it. I can hear threats being yelled from across the crowd. The last thing I needed was to get shot or knived, or anyone else getting hurt. Eventually it died out and the cops came. I realize how pissed and heated i get just stopping a fight. That shit is fucking whack, if people had to fight about something it has to be for a better reason. It's stupid and it kills everybody's fun. I know a lot of my friends care for me and dont want me to get involved, but that just happens to the person I am. Sometimes I can't just sit back and wait for things to blow over.

Did I forget to mention, I was in my undies while all of this was happening. What a trip.

"The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war." - Emerson

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pacquiao For the Win

I haven't blogged in a while, but since Jerome's cousin, Yulster, told me that i should, I'll try my best to get back into things.

A ton of things have happened since I have last blogged, but unfortunately I cannot recall everything. It is 6th week of spring quarter, and I just finished my philosophy and diet and exercise midterms. (applause) I did study and knew the material pretty well, but I really had no motivation or energy for them. I have no worries what grade I will back, not because I am positive I did well, but simply because I just dont give a flying fuck. No reason really behind that, i just didnt care for them. Surprisingly my English class, my weakest subject, has been the most interesting class to me. The topics our professor has us write about are very easy to connect to. I didn't know I could right five pages about how I could not spell the word "white" in fucking kingergarten. BUT i did.

Rugby season is over, and the mass consumption of alcohol has been underway. I have been pulling double and triple headers for the past weeks and still curious how Ive been able to drag myself to the gym every morning. Ever since my Diet and Exercise class has started, Ive been avoiding fast foods, soda, and other stuff. Unfortunately, drinking all the time makes up for the lack of junkfood, so im pretty much at a stalemate. After waking up super hungover today, I laid in bed thinking that I should seriously cut back on drinking and smoking, We all have our run being drunk, high, cross faded, and hell its fucking fun as shit, but after talking to one of my buddies who is seriously trying to cut back altogether I have found major childishness in reoccuring nights of drinking your own 18 pack and finishing a handle of Jim Bean. I think its fine every now and then, but pulling these nights needs to stop sooner then later.

Anywho, I hope everyone saw the Hatton Pacquiao fight, wait, i mean the "Hatton getting his ass kicked by Pacquiao in the 2nd round" fight. I am all for Pacquiao since him fighting can call a seize fire within a country. (yeah how bad ass is that) But lame that it lasted less that 10 mins. I'm more for interesting and exciting fights that last longer, but hey i shouldnt blame anyone, but Mr PacMan himself for kicking his ass too early. It was ridiculously fun being hammered with my friends and watching the 5 min fight. Ive developed that attitude of "dont worry its not going to happen to me." Im trying to watch myself now, I shouldnt be drinking and smoking every night and getting away with ditching work. Ive been getting away with a lot and succeeding in doing well in school, and staying physically active. Due to that I just keep pushing my limits farther and I really dont want to see what could happen.

All day everyday, eddayday
Turning a new leaf, again

Friday, March 6, 2009

Home Stretch

I really do a horrible job frequently updating this blog. Yeah, I sound like a broken record, but whatever.

Week 9 of winter quarter is coming to its end, and I am going through the home stretch. I have been really relaxed and fortunately a lot of this college business that comes difficult to most 1st years is finally falling into place. First off, I have a 8-10 page review paper on an exhibition in the Museum due in a few days. Secondly, I have 2 3-4 page essays due for my Sociology/Afro Am final. And lastly, about 3 whole chapters to read for Psychology. I'll keep you informed that I only have one official final the following week after 10th week, so the next coming week is much more important.

Amazingly, on top of the excessive festivities that comes with college, I have been on top of my work. I have 6 pages done for my essay, and a chapter read, and shitload of research done. Other than schoolwork, I have to deal with next years housing and employment. Unfortunately for my buddies and I, we were not able to get an apartment room through UCLA since all the fucking assholes signed up for them as single occupants. Honestly, who wants to deal with more random roommates?! I would understand if you had a full room with all your friends because those apartments are really nice to stay in. But you should not sign up for an apartment if you have ZERO potential roommates. Seriously, shits pissing me off. Any who, just in case we can't get another apartment close to campus, my buddy signed us up in one of the nicer dorms. If that is a bust, I am for sure living at the Pike house. Also, my boss told me that I'm running out of hours for federal work study. But being the cool boss he is, I might be employed by the actual School of Nursing, for a few weeks to get continued pay.

All the school and work business, is serious load of stuff that stresses anyone out. Luckily, I had our huge Pike 911 open party to kick back at. It was cool that some of my friends from high school and class showed up. Thanks to Alex's and Galovan's room for letting my friends in their room. Another thanks to the brothers who lived on the second floor and let my other friends come up and have pina coladas and shit there. That night was legitimately fun.

Now it's time to seriously get cracking down on my assignments and the last week of rugby. Then SPRING BREAK!!!

all day everyday, eddayday
finishing strong

Monday, February 23, 2009

Too, too much

It just happens to be on every Monday morning I wake up, groaning "Crap, I have a lot to do this week." And I always have that minor battle with myself if I should show up to my first class. Its a 50 minute seminar about blockbuster drugs, and to some of us it may sound full of fun facts and interesting shit, but that is only going to happen if you like an old monotonous german professor. Class time is fortunately fairly easy relative to last quarter, with 2 classes back to back everyday, 12 to 3 pm.

It was barely week 2 when i realized that week 1 passed by us overnight. Then I blinked and now its week 8 and I have to start hitting the books a lot harder than usual. Papers and finals always ruin a good day, but I really don't know how I am staying on top of it when it seems that I am eventually going to procrastinate, but don't. I should be feeling lucky, but it baffles me that I have a sort of second wind that comes in, motivation that comes in out of no where. Under pressure, most of us would extrinsically work because we rather be stuck with a last minute effort paper, then turning no paper in at all. It feels like that when I work, but I have so much time after I finish it, which is really relieving. Fuck, I hope I just did not jynx myself for all the stuff I need to do.

I had too much for the weekend, and a lot more to finish in the following weeks. Unlike summer where I was yearning to be busy, and have things to do everyday other than sit back and watch everything collect dust, now I have so much on my plate. There is about 6 more psych chapters I need to read, 8-10 page exhibition review, and take-home exam for soc coming up. On top of it I got all the extra shit like rugby, and frat stuff. Practicing is the opposite of stressful though. It takes your mind of all the other things you need to do for the day and at the end of it you feel great about yourself and such.

It doesn't too bad, because it really isn't. But I have been lazy lately, and would really enjoy laying in bed watching TV and all my DVDs all day not worrying about a thing. Eventually we all have to put in our time, and hopefully in blink of an eye I will be worry free again.

all day everday, eddayday
Man the battlestations!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dining Hall Hostility

Today was a very productive day for me. I woke up at 7am and got some mandatory morning lifting done for rugby, which was a success. Waking up early is something I wish I could keep on doing, but I am often too lazy or sleepy to do so. Being up that early feels absolutely great, except for one minor detail. The action of getting out of bed is the worst. One, you feel like absolute shit, and Two, you have no where near the same motivation as you did the night before when you said "I'm sure I will wake up tomorrow morning." You think that it would be okay to miss it once, and everyone knows it will eventually become a habit. But I feel tremendously great after a morning work out, and this is giving me much of an incentive to continue doing so for post-season. Another good thing about waking up early is making it to the delicious dining hall breakfast. On top of that, I only had one class today, which I just sat back, chilled, and text numerous folk. I received my formal analysis paper after lecture, and earned a freaking A on it. I was really surprised to get A, considering that I am placed into the shittiest english composition class. I was so stoked, I text my sister about it. How lame, yes i know. Also, work today was a breeze. 4 hours of facebooking on your work computer may sound like a difficult task, but yeah I put up with it (haha). Soon after I had practice, which was once again a success. It left me with that "I am tired as fuck, but I think that was an overall good practice, but I'm still tired as fuck" feeling. So success, success, success. I go have dinner with dooshbag Paul, and future ucla cheerleader Jason, which is pretty much a usual tradition. I find us a table and pull out chairs and it ACCIDENTALLY hits the person behind me. Within seconds I hear "EXCUSE ME...MMHMMM" as you might already know from the dialogue, it was a fat obnoxious "My voice is fucking annoying and I know it, but I will continue talking out loud to secretly make a scene and piss everyone off" black girl. Seriously!?! WHAT THE FUCK. As nice as I am I apologize and say "I'm sorry for that." This young lady tilted her head down over her fat protruding neck, raised her eyes and eyebrows that were held within in her HUGE black framed eye glasses (not chic at all), and stared right at me. Does one need to really make a scene for every little inconvenience? or does one enjoy being a fat bitch to people who fucking kindly apologize. I understand how annoying that is because there are times people would do that to me, but please THIS FUCKING WORLD WAS NOT JUST MADE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. So I walked away, and tended to some food and that girl would mad dog me across the dining hall. I tend to lack physical seriousness during moments like this, especially with some one as obnoxious as her telling me "excuse me!" I couldn't help laughing and telling my friends how rude this girl was and how unnecessary her attitude was. Honestly, if you have seen this girls face, most of you would straight up punch her right in the fucking jaw and laugh at her as she cries on the floor. May I have a raise of hands? IM SORRY THAT YOU TOOK UP ALL THE ROOM AND MY CHAIR JUST HAPPENED TO BUMP INTO YOURS, I could have easily told her, "Sorry it is sort of your fault, your taking up way too much room, your big enough, and we don't need your ego that size either." Staying optomistic, I didn't let this ruin my day of success.
I have other things to do than have a pointless dispute.

all day everyday, eddayday
Seriously will unleash hell on her if I run into her again

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Heights of My Priorities

First off, when did blogspot change there names to blogger??? I have not noticed that until now. Anyways, as usual I am in Powell library waiting for Psychology class at 2pm. I just took a sociology/afro-am quiz, and am quite sure I did pretty well. In all honestly Afro-Am history is not that difficult at all. It is stuff you probably learned in your 7th grade history class that is coming back in a more "detailed" manner. Sharecropping? Black Metropolis? Nearly a read it and memorize task.
So the 3 days of being 19 have not been exciting at all. Its odd how every year before 18 and every year after 21 is pretty exciting, but 19? Yeah you probably will not hear anyone boast about how great there age of 19 changed their life.
Balancing my priorities this quarter has not been stressful at all. Although, when I make sacrifices for certain things it sucks a big fat one. Since my Psychology class takes quizzes every friday in lieu of a midterm and final, I am stuck staying here instead of going out with my boys to UCSB and kicking some ass in rugby. Like any other sport I like to do, I put a lot of commitment and heart into it. It was pretty disappointing to tell my coach and see his look on his face of "thanks, now i have to fucking fix the line up now." One of the hardest things I have learned to do is to say "no." And saying "no" in all sorts of situations. School is at the top of my priority list and I need to make up for my shit performance from last quarter. Realizing all the money my parents invest in me to go to a good school, sort of motivates you to make something of it. Coming close second would be playing rugby. Playing highschool football taught me much about life and myself, and since im shorter than shit I couldn't continue playing any where I would have like to. I would rather cheer for division I school, then play ball for a no name school. Thanks to the rugby club I can get the same feeling and more. It really isn't much of a big deal, but it really sucks to practice the week knowing your not going to be there to back your buddies up. Fuck... need to get to class.

all day everyday, eddayday
wishing for an alternative

Sunday, January 25, 2009

19, The Age No One Really Cares About

Yes, my birthday is today. Big bad 19 years old, and honestly I had no elaborate plans. I am always stoked for birthdays and stuff, but wasn't really feeling the whole "19 years old" vibe this year. Although, I had the opportunity to hang out with some friends back home old and even older. Thanks to the old PVK for taking me out to dinner, and the gifts. It was a shit load of fun to hang out with you guys. Also, big thanks to the old St. Pius crew, for taking me out to the same restaurant. Twas an experience for me to have dinner at hooters, ordering 120 buffalo wings (not made from real buffalo) then 15 hours later show up back at hooters, with the same outfit (yes, I only had one set of clothes for the weekend) and with a different crowd. The looks on the waitresses that caught on was tremendously priceless. Not too much for my birthday, but exactly how i wanted to spend it. As Saul Silver says, "Peace Brotha! One Love!"

all day everyday, eddayday
21 here I come!